Site isn't working

I have uploaded files to file manager html , css, js, - why the site isnt loading - files are not even 1 mb?
thats the site :

You contacted us the other day about this issue. As I stated before, you’ll need to host your site directly on Webflow, since the code only works on their servers, not ours. Please refrain from creating new topics when you already have one open, relating to the same problem.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

That is not true, -the site was running before - can post screen shots to prove it if you want?
Webflow code can be hosted on anywhere? Why can’t you just link it?
Are you going to tell me that WordPress can be hosted only on WordPress, drupal can be hosted only on drupal weebly can be hosted only on weebly site host???
Wordpress requires PHP and MySQL to be installed on the server, so that can be a reason to refuse to host a WP site. But a static Webflow site, as long as it properly links is JS libraries (jquery) correctly, doesn’t need anything installed on the server.

I haven’t properly looked into your issue just visited your website, can you reupload your site and make sure all the files are correctly uploaded?

Appears to be missing not sure if it should be there or not?

I just re-uploaded site, it runs just fine from desktop and browser- but not on web000site - files in the same order, - its 12 images, 3 css files, 1 js . its nothing complex there.
can you make it work.
thanksSPA_HOME <- thats homepage screenshot on browser.

Can you upload the /css folder and files inside it also

  • the /js folder and the files inside it too?

ye, i got js and css files in folders, could you make them work now?