Changing my url

I have redirected my domain to my website, and can access via my url. However, I really don’t want the url to keep showing, and I tried everything to just show my domain, I need help asap! Thanks!

Did you park yes?

Hi @wkw030210

Seems you bought domain from google. There’s two option to link your domain to 000webhost

  • Add a CNAME record from google DNS manager and point it here.
  • Change nameservers to 000webhost nameservers and park it here.

Note: Pointing and Parking can be done in the Web Address field in your cPanel. :slightly_smiling_face:

I did that exactly. I parked my domain on here, and it did not like me, the domain forwards to here, but the url stays.

Can you post a screenshot of your DNS zone and cPanel dns table?

Google Dig only shows following NS


It may take some time to propagate, i think. Please check again after sometime. If it doesn’t get fixed, remove NS records and readd them (Delete google ones)

I need the google ones since I use this domain a subdomain of this for my minecraft server. If it works without it, sure!

my problem is that I did not make the website yet, but the domain url seems to be forwarding to btw, not my domain :smiley: thanks for ur help!

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Glad to see it fixed :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any other problem feel free to open a new topic